STUPS will hold an international event in Huelva on July 21, 22 and 23
On the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of July, the STUPS project, led by the University of Huelva, will host its first international event, entitled “Student participation, good governance, and the challenges of higher education,” on the Carmen Campus in Huelva, Spain. This event, which will be organised in-person and online, will bring together representatives from Europe’s leading higher education institutions.
The event is open to all stakeholders in higher education, including academic institutions, student organisations, representatives from higher education’s governing bodies, and quality assurance agencies from the European Higher Education Area and third countries.
The organizing consortium has already confirmed panellists from the European Commission in Spain, the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA), the European University Association (EUA), the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), the Global Student Forum, a European Alliance ARQUS, and the European Students’ Union (ESU). Additionally, the organisers stated that they hope to add some additional relevant names to the event’s agenda, contributing to the presentation of all of STUPS’s results. Among them are the Student Rights Charters, the European Student Participation Index, and the Guide of innovative methodologies to promote student participation.
This event will also provide an opportunity to connect with the Latin American reality, which is also culturally connected to Andalusia’s higher education institutions. This topic will be discussed in a round table with representatives from different higher education institutions, students and Continental Latin American and Caribbean Student Organization (OCLAE).
Along with presenting the results mentioned previously, the event program includes workshops, round tables, and other activities to spark a collective debate about how to increase student engagement in all relevant higher education processes and structures.
60 scholarships, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program, have been established for this meeting to facilitate participation by university students from any country and origin, including Spain. The complete schedule for the event is available on the project’s website.