CREUP: II Congress with the Rectors’ Union and the X Students’ Congress
Between 28-31 March 2019, the Coordinator of Representatives of Students of Public Universities celebrated its II Congress with the Rectors’ Union and the X Students’ Congress hosted by the Central Delegation of Students from the University Complutense in Madrid.
Students had the opportunity to reflect with Rectors, Vice-rectors and other members from the Spanish Higher Education System on the challenges faced by students in Higher Education (HE) but also on their role as active citizens that care about the future of HE at national and international levels.
During the II Congress with the Rectors’ Union, students shared their points of view and talked about accessibility, social dimension, scientific policies and internships. After the round tables, students had the opportunity to reflect on other significant issues during the X Students’ Congress in order to fix future strategies for a better higher education.
Students talked about the effect of students participation, the role of teachers in HE and Quality Assurance, among other topics. Through a simulation of a Ministerial Conference, new student representatives understood the importance of these meetings and the value of the Bologna Process in Higher Education all over Europe.
European, General, Regional and Local elections are taking place in Spain this year. Seizing this opportunity, politicians from the major parties were invited to participate in the congress to explain their measures and future policies. Students had the chance to share their concerns with them and highlighted the importance of developing public policies centred in students.