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 Join the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Civil Society Constituency

Education Cannot Wait is the global fund for education in emergencies and aims to reach all crisis-affected children and youth with safe, free and quality education by 2030. They are the first and only global multilateral fund to invite young people to participate directly in its decision-making processes, including being able to have direct say in the way that ECW operates, where funding goes, and the policies they set.

If you are a youth/student-led organisation – of any size – and your work involves education or emergencies, or you are based in an emergency context, you can join the sub-group! The sub-group will then be represented by a youth/student-led organisation elected to sit on the highest governance bodies of Education Cannot Wait.

This is a huge step forward for youth-led movements to be recognised as the valid voice for the rights of young people in global policy setting and can make a huge difference to the children and young people living in, or fleeing from, emergencies.

Find out more about ECW, the other sub-groups who make up the civil society constituency and specific criteria for joining on the website ( or by downloading the Elections & Info Pack here.


You can join the sub-group by filling out this simple form.

By joining a sub-group, you will be able to participate in ECW governance and accountability and will be invited to support ECW with advocacy efforts

IMPORTANT: You can join the sub-group at any time but if you would like to take part in the current elections process (including standing for or voting for the leadership of the youth/student-led sub-group then you must be a member by 19th December 2020.


Each sub-group will elect an organisation to ECW’s High-Level Steering Committee and Executive Committee through a transparent, open election process.

To stand for election you must be both youth or student-led and work in the field of education in emergency contexts. (Working in formal or informal education includes direct interventions like providing or supporting educational activities, or advocacy work, like campaigning for education in emergency contexts.) If your organisation decides to nominate itself to stand in the sub-group election, you must identify who will be your nominated representatives: there should be one person for the High-Level Steering Group and another person for the Executive Committee. However, if your organisation is small, this can be the same person.

If you’ve joined the sub-group already and want to stand for election, you can download the nomination form here.


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