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Participate in a survey on student guidance in your university

BRUSSELS – The Stay In project aims at designing and developing services capable of supporting students in higher education during their academic career, for example by offering them guidance on how to access available and prospective opportunities within universities and in relevant communities.

Guidance is conceived as personalised support for each student to tackle potential obstacles that could possibly lead to his or her disengagement and drop-out.

About the survey

Students are now able to participate in a survey on student guidance that has been launched as a part of the Stay In project in order to collect the opinions of students on the quality of student guidance and support in their university. Please click here to participate in the survey if you are a student enrolled in higher education in Europe.

About the project

Stay In, or Student guidance at university for inclusion, is a two year project co-funded by the European Commission‘s Lifelong Learning Programme. The Stay In Consortium includes three universities (University of Macerata, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Universidad de Sevilla), international research and consultancy companies (MELIUS, ARCOLA Research), an educational software developer company (LYNX), and two international educational networks (European Students‘ Union and European Distance and E-Learning Network).

For more information about the Stay In project, please visit:

Natalia Tarachiu, project officer at ESU, is ESU’s contact for this project. You can send her your questions or enquiries at


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