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Open Call: Task Force on student involvement for European University Alliances

The Executive Committee of the European Students’ Union is hereby launching an open call for volunteers to join the Task Force on Student Involvement for European University Alliances, which will explore the cooperation opportunities with the student representation of the alliances and work on how to strengthen and support democratic student involvement within European University Alliances. All members of ESU’s NUSes, alumni, students involve in their Alliance and general student population are encouraged to join in. 

Aims and Motivation 

The Terms of Reference mandating the Task Force on Student Involvement for European University Alliances are based on Plan of Work point 3.1.2. Structural involvement of the European Universities alliances’ student bodies in the work of ESU, as well as on the Internal Motion TF on Student Involvement for European University Alliances approved by the BM82 held in Paris. The Task Force is going to be composed of 10 people (The TF already has 7 members from past term) and a member of ESU’s EC. The Task Force is working together with the Membership Coordinator. An expansion beyond 10 members can be considered based on the quality of the applications. The purpose of this Task Force is to: 

  • Map the situation of student involvement within European University alliances according to democratic and representative principles and document how they are included in the Governance Structure of the alliances;
  • Collect best practice examples of democratic student representation in the alliances and summarise them for a handout to the Alliances Student Boards;
  • Create a roadmap for operationalizing strong democratic student representation in the alliances; 
  • Create a roadmap on how to foster ever closer cooperation between the student councils of the European Universities’ alliances within a structured framework provided and led by ESU.

As the TF motion was strengthened by the Internal Motion approved in BM84 held in Tbilisi. New missions are devoted to the TF for the next months. The TF will evaluate the ongoing process of implementing the ESU conference and prepare a report to the board which is to be finished 60 days before BM86. This report will especially document:

  • How many European Universities and other European alliances of higher education institutions are represented in general, how often the conference meets, how many representatives from different institutions were present.
  • Possible problems in finding or admitting members with a special focus on monitoring which alliances cannot send representatives because of undemocratic internal procedures and if there are ways to help them.
  • If the Structures and Proceedings are sufficient for an effective workflow. Which rules set out in the Structures and Proceedings work well and which ones create problems with a special focus on the consultation process. What obstacles the conference faces in general.

Based on these findings the TF will provide recommendations, if necessary, for possible amendments to the Structures and Proceedings document. It will also give a recommendation if an ongoing evaluation process is necessary after BM86 and who should be responsible.

The TF will work in cooperation with the relevant hacks members and consult the conference’s steering committee on possible recommendations to the board.

Responsibility and Outcome 

The Council recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation encourages Higher Education Institutions to involve students in the governance of the European Universities alliances, ‘while taking into account the existing democratic elements of academic self-governance’. The Task Force is going to monitor and support the implementation of this commitment. It will also work on helping to create a space for cooperation and reflection for the student councils of the alliances through a structured framework provided and led by ESU. The work of the Task Force is on a voluntary basis. Meetings of the Task Force will be held online, and face-to-face, during ESU events, when possible. The Task Force will report its progress during BM85 and BM86 and reach its conclusion during BM86. 

Expectations and Considerations 

The Task Force members are expected to: 

  • Be capable to discuss and write in English; 
  • Coordinate wider conversations; 
  • Hold and participate in regular task force meetings held online and face-to-face, when possible (at least 5-10 hours per month);
  • Work on a voluntary basis, but can expect to gain valuable policy and networking experience;
  • Attend meetings and events on behalf of the Task Force;
  • Ensure that information is widely distributed;
  • Participate in the drafting of planned outcomes of the work of the Task Force, ESU’s plan of work and the reports to the Board Meetings. 

Considerations to be taken into account when choosing the Task Force members (these are not requirements): 

  • Leadership (listening, communication skills, open-minded, skilled networker, and collaborator, ability to negotiate and strive toward consensus);
  • Experience in student activism, student representation or diversity-related activism/policy work;
  • Participation as a democratically elected student representative in the governance structure of a European University alliance. 

Application and evaluation 

We would like to encourage people from all different regions to apply to ensure diversity amongst the Task Force members and support a balanced and differentiated approach in the Task Force results. The application should consist of a motivation letter and a CV resume and should be sent to no later than Sunday, 3rd of September, 2023, 23.59 CEST. 

The new members of the Task Force will be selected by the Executive Committee based on their motivation and CV. If you have any questions regarding this call and the Task Force, don’t hesitate to contact ESU’s Vice-President Tanguy Guibert (, ESU’s member of the Executive Committee in charge Tamara Ciobanu ( or the Membership Coordinator Bastien Degardins (

Open Call_TF European Universities_2023-2024



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