More women needed in science and universities
The European Students’ Union (ESU) urges the ministers to adopt the proposal of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality empowering women careers in science and universities.
The European Parliament votes today upon the report “Women’s careers in science and universities, and glass ceilings encountered” brought forward by the Committee in Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. The report includes an analysis of the current situation of women in science, where they are still underrepresented and face direct or indirect discriminations. The current data indicates the existing of a glass ceiling, which means that existing invisible barriers, which are mainly based on prejudices, that limit women to develop their career paths towards higher positions. The European Students’ Union welcomes the detailed analysis and even more the concrete measures tailored to empower women in science and to overcome the inequality in institutions. These tackle between others the unequal access to the professions and to funding, the gender pay gap and the maternity and parenting leave.
As professions are still stereotyped to be ‘female’ or ‘male’ the nin science and female students strive for an academic career, instead of being discouraged.”