
Lithuania – LSS – Lithuanian National Union of Students

Address: 36 A. Vivulskio Str., 2nd floor, LT-03114 Vilnius LITHUANIA

Phone: +370 5 2685330



LSS represents Lithuanian students in higher education and advocates them on the national level. In order to achieve the mission, National Union of Students is organising campaigns and events, which is a way to attract attention of the society towards the issues in higher education, strategies and action plans to enhance higher education, motivate cooperation between students and rest academic society. LSS represents over 120 thousand Lithuanian students in higher educations through its 21 full and 3 observer members.

LSS establishes and strengthens cooperation between stakeholders, executive agencies, Lithuanian and international organisations for youth, students in higher education and school students, educational institutions.

LSS implements projects, dedicated to enhance the situation regarding academic and social activity and interests
of students, organises seminars, forums, provides consultancy for the members of local Students’ Unions.

LSS is a full member of the European Students’ Union since 1998 and Nordic Orgnisational Meeting since 2006, founding member of the Baltic Organisational Meeting back in 1999 and Knowledge Economy Forum.

LSS hosted ESIB Board Meeting 38 in Vilnius in April 2000, ESU Board Meeting 53 in Vilnius in November 2007 and European Students’ Convention 26 in Kaunas in September 2013.

Among LSS Alumni being elected as European Students’ Union elected representatives are

  • Ms Karina Ufert, LSS Vice President in 2009-2010 becoming ESU Execuvice Committee member 2010/11, Vice Chairperson 2011/12 and Chairperson 2012/13
  • Mr Maksim Milto, LSS Vice President in 2012-2013 becoming ESU Executive Committee member 2013/14


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