Pre-Election Survey, European Mobile Youth
Are you an EU citizen aged between 18 and 29 and currently residing and studying in any European Union’s Member State except Austria and Estonia (see more information below if you are residing in Austria and Estonia)?
The European Parliament elections are just around the corner (between 23 and 26 May)! This survey is part of EMY – Empowerment of Mobile Youth in the EU. EMY aims to support and enhance the democratic participation of European mobile youth, especially in connection with the forthcoming European Parliament Elections in May 2019.
This is a first in a series of the election-related surveys aimed at a better understanding of the attitude of the European mobile youth to voting in the European elections as the realization of their European citizens’ right regardless of the place of living within the EU. The survey aims to make students (involved in a mobility program) voice heard among both politicians and decision-makers.
Please take a few minutes to fill in this survey, you can find it here.
*If you are residing in Austria, click here and join the EU Pre-Elections Survey. If you are residing in Estonia, click here.
Have your say! Go vote!