Hungary – HÖOK – National Union of Students’ in Hungary
Address: HÖOK, Budapest, Ferenciek tere 7-8, 1053 (Hungary).
Phone: +36-1-798-8134, +36-70-3399-462, +36-70-3399-461
Fax: +36-1-799-271
The National Union of Students in Hungary (HÖOK) represents nationwide the approximately 400 thousand students of the country. It has a right to express opinion and to make proposals in any questions concerning higher education. HÖOK is the largest non-governmental organization of Hungary with a total number of 70 members including all the student councils working at state or fully accredited non-state Hungarian universities. HÖOK has been the member of the European students’ movement since 1993, when our predecessor joined to WESIB.
The historical predecessor of HÖOK was the MEFESZ which had an active role in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 when Hungarians revolted against communist oppression. During the socialism there was no possibility to form democratic student movement therefore the legal predecessor of HÖOK is the OFÉSZ which was form in 1989.
In order to develop comprehensively the Hungarian tertiary education, HÖOK completes tasks regarding higher education and youth policy that cannot be carried out at institutional or regional levels. Moreover, it feels responsible for the Hungarian transborder students and promotes enforcing their interests and rights both in Hungarian and international affairs, especially in the European Union member states.
As for the education and youth policy, it primarily initiates drafting acts, expresses opinion about the drafts as well as arranges professional presentations and debates. Furthermore, HÖOK represents the Hungarian students in state and non-state organization dealing with higher education and youth policy. The most important events in the HÖOK’s structural life are the General Assembly and Council meetings.
The HÖOK’s two special programmes are the HÖOK Mentor Programme – Higher Education Mentor Network and the National Roundtable of Career Offices. HÖOK operates the so-called ‘student’s advocate’ legal aid service in collaboration with the National Higher Education Information Centre.