
EDSA – European Dental Students Association

Address: Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam, Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004, 1081 LA Amsterdam, Netherlands




The European Dental Students’ Association (EDSA) was founded in 1988 and currently represents more than 70,000 dental students from 182 dental schools in 33 different countries.

The EDSA is a not-for-profit and independent organisation that is open to all local or national dental students’ associations in the European region.

The goals of the organisation are:

  • to inform students about the E.C. organisation and politics in relation to dentistry;
  • to promote, inquire and describe the standardisation of dental curriculam within European dental schools;
  • to promote exchange programs and encourage students to take part in these programs;
  • encourage national dental students associations to co-operate on a national level;
  • to create possibilities to encourage students to meet each other on an individual level.

Twice a year, all the delegates of the European Dental Students Association come together to brainstorm new projects and keep improving the existing ones. Furthermore, we discuss dental politics, social and domestic affairs. Representatives of the national members (full and prospective) attend these general assemblies.


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