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ESU has Launched the Student Trainers’ Pool

In July ESU has launched the student trainers’ pool consisting of 13 young people, among them alumni of ESU and the national unions of students and ESU elected representatives, all experienced in trainings and higher education policy.

ESU Trainers pool was created with the aim to professionalize ESU trainings and to meet the demand of the national unions of students, planned in ESU projects as well as requested by ESU members and other organizations.

The trainers’ pool was launched by organizing a training of trainers in July in Barcelona. The training aimed at improving the training methodology and pedagogy skills of newly selected trainers and sharing their training experience.

ESU trainers will be chairing workshops at ESU seminars and conferences and deliver content trainings such as trainings on equity, Bologna process, Lisbon strategy and student union development. A group of ESU trainers will be responsible for developing 3 regional ESU trainings for the national unions of students within ESU project “Equity in higher education from a students’ perspective”, which will be organized in the beginning of the next year. They will also develop online e-learning study course on equity.

ESU trainers’ pool is a part of the general ESU Experts pool, which will be launched in early autumn this year. Apart from ESU trainers’ pool, Experts’ pool will consist of student experts participating in the Institutional Evaluation Programme of the European University Association or other quality assurance evaluations of higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies as well as other missions.


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