Call for Task Force members: Inclusion of Students with Disabilities
The Executive Committee of the European Students’ Union (ESU) is hereby calling for members of the Task Force for Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. The Task Force’s mandate was given by the Board of ESU for the year of 2018.
This task force is empowered to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities within ESU, our policies and our approaches as a key partner in higher education. The Task Force will also provide specific advice and guidance to assist our wider work on mobility, inclusion and equality in education.
The ideal candidate will have expertise in issues around disability, and/or be a student or student representative with a disability. We also strongly encourage disability or access officers of our unions to apply.
Please take into account the following criteria for applications:
- Having experience working with, representing or experiencing issues around disability;
- at least 2-3 hours per week availability, on average to take the lead on at least one piece of work;
- the ability to work through English;
- readiness for distance work through email, skype or other means, as well as possible face-to-face meetings;
Candidates for the Task Force can be nominated by our member organisations, associate members but we welcome other candidates with suitable expertise. ESU, as a diverse organisation, encourages all regardless of background to apply.
The Task Force will be guided by the ESU Equality Coordinator who will act as a bridge between the Task Force and the organisation.
Some of the tasks the Task Force will consider:
- Conducting a needs assessment of ESU to identify gaps within the organisation relating to the inclusion of students with disabilities;
- Identify gaps that exist within higher education policies that could be more inclusive to the needs of students with disabilities;
- To work on a strategy on disability that addresses how ESU approaches our work on student issues in this area and recommend steps that ESU, a task force and Equality Coordinator could take. This paper should also consider an intersectional approach;
- To deliver a training to ESU and its NUSes on relevant issues, as well as adopting guides on inclusive language, resources and events.
This is a voluntary position within the organisation but one that will strongly underpin the work to include students with disabilities within our organisation and education policy at large. It will be of particular benefit to those who already have a mandate within this area.
Interested individuals should send their applications highlighting their motivation, together with a short summary of previous experience or knowledge of the topics mentioned above by email to the before the 26th of February 09:00 CET.
The Executive Committee will make a final selection of candidates, taking into account the above criteria and regional balance.
If you have any queries about the work or process of the Task Force, please contact Patrick Dempsey, Equality coordinator at