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ANOSR Updates – Projects, campaigns and requests

  • ANOSR’s efforts regarding students’ free access to the Central-University Libraries are one step closer to finality. At the level of the Chamber of Deputies, there has been a submission of a legislative initiative to amend the National Education  Law no. 1/2011 in accordance with the ANOSR requests for ensuring the free access of students to the services of the Central-University Libraries (BCU). 
  • The Minister of Youth and Sports confirmed the development of the National  Program of Student Camps in 2021. The safe development in 2021 of the National  Student Camp Program has been a priority for ANOSR since the early stages of drafting the State Budget Law for 2021. Continuing the steps in this regard, ANOSR  representatives met in March with the Minister of Youth and Sports, a meeting in which MYS undertook to assess the possibility of implementing the National  Program of Student Camps in May if the situation allows it after this analysis. ANOSR will continue the monitoring activity in order to ensure the good development of the National Program of Student Camps 2021, emphasising the observance of the hygienic-sanitary measures strictly. 
  • Between the 26th and the 28th of May, ANOSR organises The National Conference  “Higher Education in Romania, competitive in the new European Education  Area”, held in partnership with the National Council of Rectors and under the auspices of the “Educated Romania” project, which will bring together the main stakeholders in the Romanian tertiary education system to debate the future of  Romanian higher education by 2030, as well as the concrete steps that the governing structures and the Romanian higher education system as a whole must follow in order to fulfil the European commitments recently assumed. The conference aims to ensure joint efforts to establish the necessary interventions for the development of Romanian higher education in the next decade, taking into account the strategic documents developed at the European level. The opening of the conference will be organised, on the 26th of May, in the Great Hall of the Central – Universitary Library in Bucharest, with the main stakeholders in higher education attending. Subsequently, 16 online workshops on multiple topics will be organised.  ESU is involved in this conference with Martina Darmanin, Jakub Grodecki and Pegi  Pavletic as keynote speakers, whom we want to thank for engaging in our project!


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