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Call for action on the International Students’ Day

The International Students‘ Day has a long history of students protests and uprisings for a better education, equal rights and democracy. This year we also want to stand up on this day and not only remember the history but also claim our voices and raise awareness on issues students face today, not only in Europe but all around the world!

The Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU) and the European Students’ Union (ESU) work on promoting students rights all over Europe, every day.

The educational systems, the way young people are listened to and the things that are fought for vary around different parts of Europe. Yet in 2013, students are experiencing deep differences when it comes to access and provision of education within the countries of Europe. The services provided by educational institutions, the cost of education and the forms of support guaranteed to students are far from being homogenous in Europe. Although the needs are different, the idea of free, democratic, equal, inclusive education- that OBESSU and ESU and their member organisations are fighting for- remains the same.

Students and school students’ rights as well as access to education should never be taken for granted, even when they are ensured for the moment. We cannot forget student activists who fought for education in the past; nor can we forget about all the young people who work today towards the same objectives.  Students’ rights and their effective implementation must become the basis to reconsider education in Europe.

We cannot forget the struggles and the improvements students achieved in the past, we want however, 17 November not to be seen only as a day of commemoration but as a day of action. This stands especially in times of austerity. We must not tire of reminding decision makers and society of the value that education  holds for all of us! Education is the key to change and equality which will be achieved with free access to quality education ensured to all.

Therefore, OBESSU and ESU invite YOU to take action on 17 November 2013 to raise awareness about the harsh history of student and school student activism, to make our voice heard on current issues and to show how students still fight for their rights. Imagine a day, when students and school students all over Europe come together in common action to fight for a brighter future.

ESU invites you to submit your video with your own claims for student or educational related issues by 13 November. The submitted videos will be compiled into one and released officially in relation to the International Students’ Day on 17 November. Click here to find out more about the video campaign.

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