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2020 European Learning & Teaching Forum

Towards successful learning: Controversies and common ground

13-14 February 2020,

University education has changed significantly in recent decades and continues to do so, as the expectations of students, stakeholders and society towards universities evolve. This process is further influenced by universities’ diverse historical, disciplinary and regional backgrounds. The 2020 European Learning & Teaching Forum explores how institutions balance tried and trusted practices and innovative approaches to learning and teaching in a dynamic and increasingly digital and international environment.

Through a mix of plenary and parallel sessions, the Forum provides a platform for discussion on how universities enhance learning and teaching, while also presenting the work of the 2019 EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups. The Forum is an ideal event for vice-rectors for academic affairs, deans, and management involved in learning and teaching. It also welcomes students, policy-makers and other stakeholders in higher education.

For updates, look out for #EUALearnTeach on Twitter and/or join the LinkedIn group Learning & Teaching in European Higher Education.

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