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Updates from the National Alliance of Students’ Organizations in Romania (ANOSR)

  • A new Governing Board of ANOSR was elected during the General Assembly meeting that took place in August, and since then there have been several vision meetings with the main purpose of establishing the direction of the student movement for the years to come and, particularly, to set the objectives included in this mandate’s plan of work. During the Vision Camp held together with the presidents of the local unions, we have shaped the campaign called #coRector, through which we would like to raise the problems that students meet within their universities, as there will be rectors elections in the academic year to come. More information of the objectives set by ANOSR can be found here.
  • ANOSR raises concerns regarding the fact that it is the second academic year in a row that begins without a designated minister of national education. Also, we are bringing once again into the public attention problems appertaining to the national education system, which is still underfunded and inconsistent, because of political interests that severely affect decision making processes.
  • Regarding ANOSR’s internal activities, we have organised, with the support of the Romanian Agency of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), a week-long intensive training session for students that will become experts in quality assurance of higher education.


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