Upcoming events within the Inspireurope project
The Inspireurope Outreach Workshop
Registration is now open for the Inspireurope Outreach workshop which is being held on September 30th in a hybrid format; in person in Thessaloniki, Greece and online. This workshop aims to encourage participants to get involved in activities in Greece and across Europe to support researchers at risk. The workshop will also explore effective ways to support researchers at risk in their efforts to continue their academic/ professional careers in safe work environments in Greece and in the rest of Europe, either in academic or non-academic sectors. To view the programme and to register for the workshop, please see here.
Inspireurope webinar on Academic Publishing for researchers at risk
On October 21st, the Inspireurope project will hold the next webinar in its series on career development for researchers at risk. This webinar on ‘Academic Publishing for researchers at risk’ will take place at 11 am CET with the following speakers: Nina Cyrén Wormbs (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden), Dr Ingerid Straume (University of Oslo), and Dr Mubashar Hasan (University of Western Sydney, Australia). For more information and to register for this webinar on October 21st, please see here.