Mick Scholtka studied Global Business Engineering at Aalborg University in Denmark. He is the former Vice-President of Academic Affairs for the National Union of Students in Denmark (Danske Studerendes Fællesråd – DSF). His office spanned over a vast area of responsibilities that mainly covers expertize in student democracy and representation, financing of education and science, academic freedom, admission systems, quality and quality assurance in education. Even though the title is academic, the position had an immense focus on the artistic educations.
In regards to quality assurance, Mick fought for student participation in quality assurance by being a member of the student committee of the Danish Accreditation Council, the student accreditation council of the Danish Accreditation Institution and the European Students’ Union’s Quality Assurance Student Expert Pool. Currently, Mick works as an organizational consultant for the student union at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS).