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Swiss Members in Solidarity with their Austrian Neighbours

On Monday this week, The new Austrian federal chancellor Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer gave a speech on innovation and employment at the Swiss Federal Institut of Technology Zurich ETH. ESIB member, VSS-UNES-USU mobilised for a solidarity action with Austrian students who have been demonstrating against tuition fees and Gusenbauer’s broken promises for weeks.

During Gusenbauer’s speech, over 20 students from across switzerland tried to point out that the controversial tuition fees system that Gusenbauer introduced in austria is no good. Regrettably the security devices over reacted – and VSS-UNES-USU were not able to deliver their ‘presents’ to the chancellor.

Nevertheless, VSS-UNES-USU regards it a success that Mr. Gusenbauer spoke for a long time about the tuition fees issue and his system. It is important that his broken election promises are also remembered internationally.

Mr. Gusenbauer continues to ignore those directly touched by his absurd model as well as the resistance emanating from his own party. VSS-UNES-USU would like to underline the words the Viennese mayor Michael Häupl (SPÖ), who called the model «rubbish».

VSS-UNES-USU shares Mr. Häupl’s opinion and invites Mr. Gusenbauer to stand up for equality in education. For that purpose there are better models which can be implemented more easily.

For more information:

NZZ Online 

20 Minuten 



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