Survey: Roma Youth Participation
The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is currently conducting a study regarding the opportunities and challenges faced by Roma youth in participating in the elaboration and implementation of Roma and youth standards, policies, and programmes in Europe. The study will serve as the basis for the discussions held in the Task Force on Roma youth participation.
Building on the conclusions of the Council of Europe’s Roma Youth Action Plan review, the Joint Council on Youth and the Youth Department have set up a Task Force on Roma youth participation. The goal of the Task Force is to assess the relevance and the need to prepare a policy document (a recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to Member States) that promotes Roma youth participation in member states.
In this context, the Council of Europe ‘s Youth Department is conducting a study exploring:
- existing gaps in the standards and policies of the Council of Europe and other stakeholders; and
- the potential added value of such a recommendation.
The surveys will support them in identifying strengths, limitations, and opportunities in promoting Roma youth participation at the national level. If you are a national/regional youth council or an International Youth organisation/network take some 10 min to fill in the Survey international non-governmental youth organisations.