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StudWatch calls Belarusian students to #danceForReforms

In May 2015 Belarus was accepted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), subject to implementing the Roadmap on the reform of higher education in Belarus. By signing the agreement,  Belarusian Ministry of Education undertook the obligation to carry out not only this Roadmap, but also to respect and fulfil fundamental values such as respect for academic freedom and the right of students to take part in their educational institution management.However, for the past year, the Ministry of Education did not take any concrete steps to implement these fundamental values. Moreover, the government even actively ignored cases of pressure made by university administrators on students for their civic stance. A detailed report about these cases and results of the implementation of the Roadmap can be found on the website of the Independent Bologna Committee.

In February 2016, false information about the “illegality” of activity of independent student organizations, such as Center for Development of Students’ Initiatives, Brotherhood of Organizers of Student Self-government and Students’ Council was actively spread among the students of the Belarusian universities. As a response, StudWatch signed a collective appeal (available in Russian only) and sent it to the administration of the Belarusian State Medical University.

Considering all these facts and omissions of the officials, independent student organisations, which are united in the StudWatch initiative, decided to bring to light the fact that the Ministry of Education is ignoring the opinion of a wide range of students. To raise awareness, they organised a special flashmob #danceForReforms.

If you are a student and you want to support them in their struggle for high quality education and independent student self-governments, if you can no longer sit on boring and outdated lessons – act as follows:

1) take the phone/camera, the quality does not matter, excellent mood – does!

2) dance in front of your university with friends or solo and film it;

3) post it on your social media accounts using #danceForReforms and encourage your 3 best friends to do the same;

4) enjoy the reaction of the Belarusian Ministry of Education

“Now we have little opportunity to influence the situation due to a lack of reforms: the Ministry of Education ignores even the requirements of the Bologna process, not to mention the opinion of ordinary students. And since we can not change the situation, we can at least make fun of it, so today and tomorrow and until we win, students from various universities and generations, #danceForReforms!” StudWatch team


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