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ŠRVŠ and ESU demand justice for Ukrainian students

The Student Council for Higher Education (ŠRVŠ) has for a long time been aware of and pointing to the situation of Ukrainian students who were denied their legally established right to education. Since the summer of 2022, together with the European Students’ Union (ESU), we have been registering the complaints of hundreds of Ukrainian students who, as a result of the actions of the Ukrainian border authorities, could not enter foreign higher education institutions (HEIs) to continue their studies there. Students tried several times to cross the border, but despite fulfilling all the conditions, they were denied their right to education. This problem also directly affects dozens of students of Slovak HEIs who meet all the conditions for crossing the border.

ŠRVŠ has already turned to several political entities with a request for cooperation in solving this problem. The state secretaries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic; Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic; individual ambassadors of the Slovak Republic; The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic and vice-rectors of all higher education institutions in Slovakia were addressed in this matter. Despite this, ŠRVŠ has so far not recorded any specific steps taken by the addressed authorities in solving this situation. Due to the passivity of these bodies, Slovakia is losing young people in Slovakia.

Therefore, together with ESU, we are turning to the representatives of the Slovak Republic in the European Parliament with a request to take concrete steps that would lead to the correction of the ongoing situation of students at the border and ensure their right to education. Help and fight together with us for justice for young people from Ukraine who cannot continue their studies due to bureaucracy. 


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