Save the date: SAR Italy Speaker Series
Thursday 15th of October from 17:00 to 18:30
SAR-Italy launches its first speaker series in Fall 2020. This cycle of seminars aims at promoting knowledge about present violations of academic freedom and at advocating for the rights of higher education members in pursuing research, teaching and education. This first edition will be online and will feature four scholars who have been involved in protection programs within Italian universities. They will discuss the situation of academic freedom in specific contexts as well as present their current research activities. The introductory roundtable and the individual seminars are open to all members of universities, public institutions, and national/international organisations.
Dott. Asli Vatansever – Humboldt University and the University of Padova – will discuss her newly published book ‘At the Margins of Academia. Exile, Precariousness and Subjectivity‘ (Brill 2020).
The event will be chaired by Prof. Claudia Padovani, University of Padova, and Prof. Magdalena Kmak, Abo Akademi Finland, will act as discussant.
Please, find the following brochure of the event, as well as the calendar of the seminar series.
The registration is compulsory. Register on this link.