REACT submits its final report and outcomes of the project
The final report for the REACT ( Refugees and Recognition) project was submitted to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The final outcomes of the project – refugee country briefings, webinars and the REACT Q-Card for Admission Officers, can all be accessed through the project website.
Some of the results of the project are:
- The REACT Q-Card for Admission Officers (pdf)
- Watch the recording from the webinar on results of testing at higher education institutions| Presentation (pdf)
- Country briefing for:
– Iran (pdf) | See the recording from the webinar | Presentation (pdf)
– Ethiopia (pdf) | See the recording from the webinar | Presentation (pdf)
– Somalia (pdf) | See the recording from the webinar | Presentation (pdf)
– Venezuela (pdf) | See the recording from the webinar | Presentation (pdf)
– DRC (pdf) | See the recording from the webinar | Presentation (pdf)
The European Students’ Union (ESU) -together with representatives from EUA, KIRON, CICIC and the ENIC Bureau President- took part in the project steering group, giving guidance and strategic advice to the project group.