
Welcome to ESU’s Pool of Trainers

This page provides information about ESU’s Pool of Trainers, its activities as well as a collection of resources and training materials that enable members of the European Students’ Union (ESU) to carry out their duties of student representatives.

The capacities of our National Union of Students (NUS) members differ greatly. The European Students’ Union (ESU) acknowledges how important it is to facilitate the transfer and exchange of experience, knowledge and good practices amongst our NUS members and external stakeholders.

Our Offer

ESU believes in the importance of student activists’ voices. Therefore we encourage all stakeholders to view our Pool of Trainers as an Expertise Pool composed of individuals with diversified interests and experiences.

We are offering training in the following areas:

  • Working with the European Students’ Union,
  • Developing Students’ Unions,
  • Campaigning for Change,
  • Effective Communications,
  • Working with activists and volunteers,
  • Managing finances for non-financial people,
  • Managing projects and raising funds,
  • Creating an inclusive and diverse organisation,
  • Acting on Climate Justice,
  • Understanding Quality in Higher Education and
  • Training the Trainers.

Besides providing training events, the trainers will also be able to deliver consultancy services and provide a wide range of advice based on their experience. Kindly note that the members of this Pool differ from that of the Students’ Expert Pool for Quality Assurance, and the members of this Pool have more generic expertise regarding the student movement and involvement at large.

Meet the Trainers

We have recruited individuals to the Trainers’ Pool with proven experience in the students’ movement as a whole. Each profile specifies the individual trainer’s experiences and areas of expertise. We invite you to find out more about the profiles of our trainers.

Urszula Lis

Urszula Lis

Membership Coordinator

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Gaga Gvenetadze


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Mick Scholtka


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Daniel Colin Hernandez


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Antonis Stylianou


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Raycho Raychev


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Nienke Wessel


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Mike Day


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Isabella Fronhofer


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How to use it?

In the section ‘Meet the Trainers‘ (under construction), you can find the list of individuals who make up ESU’s trainers’ pool. Please look at the trainers’ profiles to see whether you have any preferences based on the experience and expertise of the individual.  In case of doubt or in case of no preference between members of our Trainers’ pool, please get in touch with ESU, and we will take care of the matching up between your NUS/ Organisation and the trainer.  

It is essential to note that ESU expects all NUS / Organisations requesting our Trainers’ Pool members to treat each expert with the utmost respect, and any mistreatment or discrimination will be taken very seriously. 

To make your request or if you have any further questions or requests regarding the Pool of Trainers, contact

To make sure that the members of the pool will be able to help, please kindly inform ESU at least 20 days in advance of the event. 

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