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Open Call: Task Force on Safety and Inclusion

The Executive Committee is hereby launching an open call for volunteers to join the Task Force on the safety and inclusion of ESU members of all backgrounds and nationalities, which will be working on analysing the possible situations when ESU representatives or related persons are denied entry to the country or attendance of an event due to discriminatory reasons, and possibilities to prevent such instances, as well as drafting the guidelines for ESU actions should such situations happen. All members of ESU and alumni are encouraged to join in.


Aims and Motivation

The creation and working of the Task Force are mandated by the Internal Motion passed at the Board Meeting 82, The Internal motion states that the Task Force will focus on the following:

  • Gathering and analysing situations wherein the denial to countries or events of ESU related person, based on discriminatory reasons, can take place;
  • Providing recommendations on how to improve the structure and internal working of ESU so that the situation in the aforementioned paragraph can be prevented;
  • Composing a guideline on how to handle such a situation, with a specific subsection on the communication between the hacks’ team and the specific person;
  • Establishing a plan on how to align the ESU external communication with the values of ESU during a situation mentioned in the first paragraph.

The Task Force is mandated to work until BM85 (autumn of 2023)



The work of the Task Force is on a voluntary basis. Meetings of the Task Force will be held online, and face-to-face, during ESU events, when possible.

The Task Force members are expected to:

  • contribute to the objectives of the task force;
  • be capable to communicate in English;
  • hold and participate in regular task force meetings held online and
  • face-to-face, when possible (at least 5-10 hours per month);
  • Participate in the drafting of planned outcomes of the work of the Task Force, including, but not limited to amendments to ESU’s Statutory documents and regular reports to the Board Meetings according to the Standing Orders.


Application and evaluation

We would like to encourage people from different regions to apply to ensure diversity amongst the Task Force members and support a balanced and differentiated approach to the Task Force results. 

The application should consist of a motivation letter and resume and should be sent to no later than Sunday, 3rd of September, at 23:59 CEST. 



Task Force members will be selected by the Executive Committee based on their motivation and resume.

If you have any questions regarding the call and the Task Force, please don’t hesitate to contact ESU’s Hacks team (


Open Call_TF Safety and Inclusion_2023-2024


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