Malta – KSU – University Students’ Council
Address: Kunsill Studenti Universitariji Students' House University of Malta Tal-Qroqq, Msida MSD 2080 - MALTA
Phone: +356-21-343 085
Fax: +356-21-337 517

The Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (University Students’ Council) is the oldest national student union in Europe. KSU was founded by Arturo Mercieca (later Chief Justice Sir Arturo Mercieca) in 1901, as the Comitato Permanente Universitario. The student union involved itself in student politics as well as national politics. KSU represents all students attending the University, Junior College, the Institute of Health Care, Medical School and the Malta Centre of Restoration – on both a national and international level.
KSU Today
Although times have changed since the organization was founded, the aim of KSU remains unchanged. Although Malta has progressed greatly since 1901, this does not reduce the importance of the contribution that each and every student can give to universities and society in general. Life at university should not only consist of studying and KSU is an ideal forum where every student can express his or her ideas regarding issues that, strictly speaking, have nothing to do with his or her studies. KSU gives the student the opportunity not only to attend, but also to form a part of the university.
Mission and vision
Our mission is to represent university students in Malta, on both the national and international stage, in educational and social policy matters, as well as ensuring the access and quality of the student’s higher education.
Although KSU is a dynamic organisation in itself and is as such open for change and debate, like other organisations, it finds its roots in a set of fundamental objectives on which the organisation was founded. Over the past 115 years, KSU has been working:
• To represent students in whatever issues concern them, whether it is on a national or international level;
• To serve as an official link between students and the relevant authorities;
• To achieve the democratisation of education in Malta;
• To coordinate activities with other organisations, and;
• To cultivate an interest in students in the fields of education, socio-political and cultural issues;
• To pressure authorities into assuring the highest level of quality in higher education.