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International Conference “Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance“

The Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) hosts the international conference of LIREQA project “Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance“ as a final event of the project, co-financed by the European Commission, on 22 May 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania. 

In 2015, Ministers of education endorsed the revised text of the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), which contain a clear expectation under ESG 1.4 to align institutional recognition with the Lisbon Recognition Convention, and to foster cooperation to that end.
Linking internal and external quality assurance with recognition is still a challenge in the Bologna Process. Recommendations, produced by LIREQA project consortium are addressed to higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies, academic recognition centres, also the networks of stakeholders, proposing concrete measures what should be done to improve the situation.
During the conference representatives of the main stakeholder organizations – ESU, EUA, ENQA – will address participants, and members of ENIC/NARIC network, as well as President of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee, will take part.

On-line registration is at the following link  till May 15. Please do not purchase travel tickets or make hotel reservations until your registration is approved. You can download the agenda of the conference here.

You could find more practical information about the conference here or contact organizers by writing to Project Coordinator Ms Aurelija Valeikiene at


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