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ESU joins forces with Scholars at Risk network

ESU has become, the newest affiliate of the Scholars at Risk network, for better protecting scholars and promoting academic freedom around the world. ESU also joined forces with SAR and other partners in urging the UN Human Rights Council to give strong consideration when appointing the next Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education to the concerns of higher education.

On 27th May, ESU became the newest affiliate of the Scholars at Risk network, an international network of dedicated higher education institutions and associations dedicated to protecting scholars and promoting academic freedom around the world. ESU aims to work together with SAR on protecting students’ rights, developing new tools and increasing the protection of those students whose rights are being violated because of their political persuasion, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, sexual orientation or social standing.

“There are still nowadays too many places where students are being silenced, persecuted and jailed; everywhere around the world, including here in Europe. The alliance of ESU and Scholars at Risk will contribute to better protect students in Europe and beyond” says Fernando Galan, ESU president. “ESU will continue working for ensuring the rights of students to self-organise in independent student unions and to participate in the governance of their institutions, along with an education that is accessible, inclusive and of high quality. This will contribute to build more democratic, fair and sustainable societies with equal educational and social opportunities for everyone”, Fernando continues.

ESU also joined forces with Scholars At Risk and other partners in urging the UN Human Rights Council to give strong consideration when appointing the next Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education to the concerns of higher education and in particular to protecting higher education communities from violent and coercive attack. In calling on the Human Rights’ Council in this way, ESU and the other supporting groups noted the current crisis of attacks on higher education communities, scholars and students in Belarus, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Venezuela, Thailand and beyond, and emphasized that meaningful exercise of the right to education must begin with a safe, secure place for research, teaching and learning.


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