ESU and Jude Law launch Global Truce Day 2012
LONDON – Jude Law and the European Students’ Union (ESU) launched the Global Truce Day student campaign, in London on 27 February. The Global Truce Day is an initiative from Peace One Day, an NGO led by Jeremy Gilley, that ignited the establishment of the annual Peace Day on 21 September.
Karina Ufert, Vice-Chairperson of ESU said: “We believe in student organisations standing in solidarity at all levels and internationally. Such show of support is needed for all groups and individuals in societies world wide in all cases of repression and violation of human rights. We especially call for respect to academic freedom and student rights as pillars of a free society.”
Peace One Day is calling for a Global Truce on Peace Day 2012 and is trying to get as many student movements, both on regional, national an international level, on board. The organisation hopes that 21 September 2012 will mark the largest reduction in global violence in recorded history, both domestically and internationally. Aim is to create the largest ever gathering of individuals in the name of peace.
Ufert concluded: “We live in a world where decisions are increasingly taken on a global level. Students need to be heard with one voice on such matters. That is why ESU shows its support to Peace One Day. We hope that all our 45 national members will help us in gathering as many people as possible on Global Truce Day, 21 September 2012.”
Together with NUS-UK, ESU is organising the Global Students Summit from 18 to 10 September, in London. During this event, access to quality education, sustainability and peace will be highlighted.
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For more information, please contact:
Karina Ufert, ESU’s Vice-Chairperson: +32 473669892/ karina@esu-online.org or Marianne Slegers, ESU Communications Manager: +32/473.669.894/ marianne@esu-online.org