EADTU-EU ONLINE Summit 2020: “Digital Transformation and Innovation in Education”
Considering the current Coronavirus crisis, the 8th EADTU-EU Summit takes place online on 30 April 2020. This year’s Summit deals with “Digital Transformation and Innovation in Education”.
Register for the EADTU-EU Summit 2020 here.
Date: 30 April 2020 (09:30h – 12:00h)
The provisional agenda is the following:
09.30-09.40h Welcome and opening panel
- Ricardo Mairal, Vice-President EADTU, Rector UNED, Spain
- Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Unit Higher Education EAC, European Commission
09.40-10.00h Microcredentials; the Common Microcredential Framework (CMF), the European MOOC Consortium, by
- Catherine Mongenet, FUN- France
- Matthew Hodges, MiriadaX
10.00-10.20h Embracing a new qualification Implementing CMF in (MOOC-Based) Short Learning programmes
- DCU (ECIU University; European University Alliance), Mark Brown
- Futurelearn, Kate Sanders
10.20-10.45h The concept and role of online Short Learning Programmes in European Higher Education
- by Tom Melai, Open University of the Netherlands
10.45-11.10h Empowering education by artificial intelligence
- by Jesus Boticario, UNED
11.10-11.30h EMBED; the European Maturity Model for Blended Education; launch of the EMBED MOOC
- by Yi-Shan Tsai, University of Edinburgh
11.30-12.00h Summit conclusions; panel members reflect:
- Ricardo Mairal, Vice-President EADTU, Rector UNED, Spain (Chair)
- Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Unit Higher Education EAC, European Commission
- Michael Gaebel, Director of the Higher Education Policy Unit, European University Association (EUA)
- Gohar Hovhannisyan, Vice President European Students’ Union (ESU)