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Council of Europe debates the future of human rights and democracy in Europe

As part of their 60th anniversary celebrations, the Council of Europe (CoE) is organising a conference on the future for human rights and democracy on the continent. “The role of the Council of Europe is essential”, says ESU chairperson Ligia Deca.

The Council of Europe was established in the post-war period sixty years ago to consolidate and promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The conference on the future of human rights and democracy in Europe takes place today, September 11, in Paris.

”Human rights cannot be and must not be considered as a luxury affordable only in times of stability and peace. What we need is for our member states to have the political will to respect our fundamental values at all times, not only when they are good and easy” says CoE Acting Secretary General Maud de Boer-Buquicchio.

Ligia Deca believes that it is important to maintain the political and social benefits of education in the future, in order to promote the democratic spirit and to spread the influence of democracy in all levels of society.

“The current political discourse in Europe has radically changed the public thinking on higher education, in the context of seeing higher education less and less as a human right, but rather as an expensive, but essential commodity. ESU strongly believes that this way of thinking on higher education is a threat. Education should be safeguarded as a cornerstone of democracy for the future generations”, says Deca.

The discussions at the conference will contribute to the preparation of a report on the future of the Council of Europe to be debated at the Autumn session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (28 September-2 October).


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