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Call for activities to be held in co-operation with the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest – 1st semester 2021

The Youth Department of the Council of Europe invites non-governmental youth organisations, networks and other non-governmental structures involved in areas of youth work relevant to the Council of Europe’s youth policy to submit applications for activities to be held in co-operation with the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest (study sessions,1st semester 2021).

The study sessions are organised in co-operation with youth organisations and networks and the Council of Europe’s Youth Department and are hosted by one of the European Youth Centres.

They are international youth events lasting between 4 and 8 days which bring together members of youth organisations or networks and experts for discussions on a specific subject relevant to the priorities 2020-2021 of the Council of Europe Youth sector.

Further detailed information may be consulted on the info page on study sessions.

The deadline for applications is 15 April 2020.

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