Are universities the ultimate platform to nourish employability skills among youth?
ESU has recently joined the project consortium and will be present with several activities, focusing on the concept of employability and our own SAGE project outcomes.
The forum focuses on emplyability, since, with increased demands from the labour market, young people need to be equipped with a more flexible, innovative and specialist skillset. Cooperation between universities and businesses can provide students with the necessary skills and competences, and help them better prepare for the labour market.
Specifically, ARC5 aims to:
- Develop and contribute with Policy Recommendations to the 6th ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting (ASEM ME6) (2017, Korea)
- Propose and implement ASEM perspectives on higher education’s responsibilities in advancing socio-economic development
- Promote ASEM education cooperation among civil society stakeholders and reinforce their role in the official ASEM Education Process
- Strengthen the dialogue among ASEM education stakeholders by creating linkages between universities, the business and industry sector, governments and local communities
- Stimulate partnerships among universities across ASEM countries
More information on ASEF website