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Consultation on the Draft Guide for effective stakeholders’ involvement in QA

The European Students’ Union is involved in the project called ESQA – Effective Stakeholder’s Engagement in Quality Assurance. Part of our team working on quality-related issues was providing the input in regards to students’ role in the QA process.

We kindly encourage you to respond to consultation concerning the development of the Guide for effective stakeholders’ involvement in QA. This Guide aims to provide guidelines primarily to the QA agencies and national authorities in the EHEA, for strengthening dialogue and cooperation with stakeholders, as well as for their effective involvement in QA processes

The guidelines mainly address the stakeholders’ involvement at the level of external quality assurance (EQA) activities, aiming to find ways to deepen and make more effective their involvement in the EHEA member countries, according to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG 2015). 

With this consultation, in order to strengthen and validate the contents of the document among its potential users and relevant stakeholders as well as to further develop it, project partners would like to hear your views about the current draft.

Through this link, you may find the draft document with specific questions for your feedback. Answering the survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes.

Deadline: 7 September 2020.

Find out more information on the project is available here: For any questions, please contact  or


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