Sexual harassment in Higher Education in Slovenia
At the end of 2020, the Slovenian Higher Education Area was shaken by an affair about sexual harassment at the University of Ljubljana. Due to the reporting of sexual harassment cases, the Faculty of Arts professor was prevented from carrying out the pedagogical process as his status as a professor was suspended. The affair received a lot of attention as a former Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television student also exposed herself and reported her former professor. Rumours of sexual harassment resonate in many Higher Education institutions, which reflects a wider social problem that needs to be addressed systematically by changing legislation. It is crucial to create a safe environment and a climate in which students will dare to talk about it, file a complaint against the perpetrators and in which victims are protected. Slovenian Student Union (ŠOS) is actively engaged in the matter, striving to develop clear policies on sexual harassment and violence adopted by the universities and student organisations.