Italy – UdU – University Students’ Union
Address: G.B. Morgagni, 27, 00161, Rome, IT
Phone: +39 3400669781

UdU – Unione degli Universitari – was founded in 1994 by local student unions in Italy that wanted to have a common viewpoint on national issues. The organisation grew gradually and participated in elections for the National University Student Council and in 2013 we elected the President of the Council itself.
The missione of UdU is to defend and promote the rights of the students or of the people that would like to attend higher education. UdU stands for a free and public higher education system. We believe that the education system should be accessible for everybody. Education is a human right and it can help and promote a different society and a new model of development. We fight against numerus clausus and tuition fees. We are also asking for more funding for student support, as in Italy not all students elegible for the student grants are getting the grants they are entitled to because there is a lack of funds available. Austerity policies and the lack of funding have brought, especially in Italy, a lot of problems and UdU fights to get more funding into the education system.