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2019 Global Education Monitoring (GEM)

The 2019 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report on Migration, Displacement and Education: Building bridges, not walls is now available!

This new report explores the implications of different types of migration and displacement for education systems and the impact that reforming education can have on addressing the challenges faced by those who are vulnerable. It also reviews progress on education in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In view of increasing diversity, the report analyses how education can build inclusive societies and help people move beyond tolerance and learn to live together.

It covers policy issues that address seasonal migrants, rural school consolidation, intercultural curricula, refugee inclusion in national education systems and elimination of segregation, qualifications recognition, targeting of school funding, more effective humanitarian education aid and teacher preparedness for diverse classrooms in an emergency, protracted and “new normal” contexts. The report calls on countries to see education as a tool to manage migration and displacement and an opportunity for those needing one.

Read more and download the #GEMReport and its supporting materials in multiple languages.

#EducationOnTheMove #GEMReport2019 #SDG4


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