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ANOSR – Protests, campaigns and requests

Thursday, January 7th, 2021, ANOSR representatives participated in the consultations initiated by the Ministry of Education on the priorities in higher education.  Following the discussions, 8 actions were taken, as ANOSR launched a set of proposals for the concrete operationalization of the targets announced by the ministry. 

  • Students requested universities to announce in due time how they intend to start the second semester of the academic year, taking into account the need to prepare the process of accommodation in dormitories properly or, as appropriate, to provide time for students to identify their own accommodation options. ANOSR encourages the gradual return to face-to-face activities, but with clear, predictable and adequately funded mechanisms to guarantee students’ safety and a coherent transition to the face-to-face activities. 
  • In the context of the preparations for the State Budget Law for 2021, ANOSR submitted to the Government and Parliament the students’ requests on higher education funding for 2021 and asked to prove that education is a real priority, as it was constantly declared during the elections campaign for the parliamentary elections. Higher education suffers from chronic underfunding, and it has not yet reached levels at least comparable to those of 2008.  
  • ANOSR urged the Romanian Government to maintain free rail transport for students,  provided by Law no. 1/ 2011 of National Education and discuss students` issues and priorities. We consider that eliminating these provisions will directly impact the equality in higher education by restricting access to and completion of studies for students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. 


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